4 Things To Look For When Your Eyes Turn 40

4 Things To Look For When Your Eyes Turn 40

4 Things To Look For When Your Eyes Turn 40 150 150 jjeyes

Written by: Jennifer Jenkins


One morning shortly after my 40th birthday, I was shampooing my hair and realized I could not read the label without extending the bottle to arm’s length. Say it wasn’t so. I had hit the big birthday milestone, and simultaneously I lost my close-up vision too. At first I was in denial and was too ashamed to tell even my husband, but my farsightedness continued to deteriorate.



So in all my wisdom, here are four things to look for when your eyes (and you) turn 40:

  1. You have to increase the font size on your text messages so much that others behind you can read them too.
  2. You can no longer read a menu without squinting or using the table candle to see the words.
  3. You find yourself pushing your computer so far away your arms barely reach the keyboard.
  4. You can’t read the instructions on labels and packaging.


If any or all of these things are happening to you, it’s definitely time to have your eyes checked. Give JJ Eyes a call today to schedule your eye exam, and determine if it is time to invest in reading glasses.


Don’t look at it as getting old – look at it as becoming distinguished.


Jennifer is president of JJPR in Daphne, Alabama.